183 S County Rd 525 E
Avon, Indiana 46123
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Stock Number S1115400Stock Type NewYear 2025Make ChevroletModel Express 2500Class 2GVWR 8,600Drive Train RWDWheelbase 135Vehicle Trim Work VanInterior Color Medium PewterSeating Capacity 2Exterior Color Description WhiteEngine Cylinder Count 6Transmission Type AutomaticFuel Type GasolineEngine Model LV1Engine Size (L) 4.3Brake Type HydraulicBluetooth, Hands-Free connection, 12 Months of OnStar Insights Service, Communications Package, Cruise Control, Driver & Front Passenger High-Back Bucket Seats, Driver Convenience Package, Tilt Steering Wheel.Tax, title, license and $245.28 document preparation fee are extra. Pricing will not include additional installed accessories. Not available with special finance or lease offers. We make every reasonable effort possible to present information and pricing that is true and accurate. Some information provided may come from third party sources. To ensure your complete satisfaction, please verify the accuracy prior to your purchase. It is the responsibility of the consumer to verify the accuracy of information listed.
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Sellers Comments
Stock Number S1115400Stock Type NewYear 2025Make ChevroletModel Express 2500Class 2GVWR 8,600Drive Train RWDWheelbase 135Vehicle Trim Work VanInterior Color Medium PewterSeating Capacity 2Exterior Color Description WhiteEngine Cylinder Count 6Transmission Type AutomaticFuel Type GasolineEngine Model LV1Engine Size (L) 4.3Brake Type HydraulicBluetooth, Hands-Free connection, 12 Months of OnStar Insights Service, Communications Package, Cruise Control, Driver & Front Passenger High-Back Bucket Seats, Driver Convenience Package, Tilt Steering Wheel.Tax, title, license and $245.28 document preparation fee are extra. Pricing will not include additional installed accessories. Not available with special finance or lease offers. We make every reasonable effort possible to present information and pricing that is true and accurate. Some information provided may come from third party sources. To ensure your complete satisfaction, please verify the accuracy prior to your purchase. It is the responsibility of the consumer to verify the accuracy of information listed.