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See This BMW X6 Hulk Out Before Your Eyes

June 24, 2015

See This BMW X6 Hulk Out Before Your Eyes

The Hulk is well known for his sudden transformations when he gets hot under the collar. Not to be outdone, German graffiti artist Rene Turrek created a special paint job for the BMW X6 that will make auto fans green with envy. Turrek’s BMW X6 project was a two-step process. First, he gave the BMW sport utility coupe a base layer of Hulk green paint. Next, he applied a second, heat-sensitive layer of paint over it. This second layer is thermochromic, meaning that it changes color due to a change in temperature. When Turrek pours hot over the BMW X6, the dark-blue paint—or the Bruce Banner layer, if you will—fades away to reveal the mean, green Hulk machine underneath. The video below captures the stunning change from mild-mannered BMW X6 to an incredible Hulkmobile: All images courtesy of BMW Blog Slovenia

Tags: BMW , Paint , X6