Results for: Auto Evaluation

How to Buy a Car (Hint: Be Aggressive)

There are many ways to impose value onto an automaker, but what yields the most accurate appraisal? One could say automaker X makes the best product, because a professional critic deemed it so. However, another could assert; that while technically impressive; all that really matters are the sales. I.e. Audi leads the luxury automaker market from a critical perspective, but Lexus sells more of thei

How to Choose a Car (Hint: Be Selfish)

To be honest, we have reached a point where most vehicles can dispatch all one’s actual needs from an automobile (barring occasional recalls); with ease. Gone are the lemon lamentations of the 70s and 80s, where an unreliable car meant having triple A on speed dial. Now the rub is in reading and catering to a demographic. People do not have the time to physically visit every potential deale